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CURRENTLY OPEN | 021 949 4439

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

All persons entering the Toboggan Family Park complex (”the facility”) and using the toboggan equipment do so at their own risk and agree to accept and strictly abide by the terms and conditions listed here. Any minor entering the facility will be deemed to have done so with the consent of his or her parents or guardian.

  1. Participants agree to adhere to certain ride restrictions, including but not limited to:
    1.1 All children under the age of 8 must be under the constant supervision of their parents or another responsible adult
    1.2 Children under 8 years shall be seated in the front seat and at all times be accompanied by a responsible adult using a two-seater sled
    1.3 Observe a minimum following distance of 25 meters.
    1.4 Maintain a suitable speed so as not to endanger themselves or other participants.
    1.5 Not come to a full and complete stop on the track.
    1.6 Be suitably dressed in the circumstances and not under the inuence of any intoxicating substance.
    1.7 Pregnant women, anyone suffering from physical disabilities or medical conditions, including heart, neck or back problems are prohibited from participating.
  2. Toboggan Family Park shall be entitled to remove from the facility, any person not adhering to the above ride restrictions, without being obliged to pay any refund whatsoever.
  3. Participants undertake to conduct themselves in such a manner as to not endanger, cause offence or discomfort to other participants or spectators. Any participant colliding into the rear of another participant’s sled, will be deemed to be responsible for any loss or damage caused.
  4. Toboggan Family Park shall at its discretion, in the event of cold, wet weather, either operate the facility and equipment in a manner it deems appropriate or reserve the right to close the facility without being obliged to refund anyone.
  5. Neither Toboggan Family Park nor any of its directors, agents or employees shall be liable for personal injury to or the death of any person or their dependants or damage to any property of whatever nature at the facility, however arising or caused and whether by reason of any act or omission of Toboggan Family Park, its directors, agents or employees or by reason of the act or omission, including any negligence, of any other user of the facility and equipment. Under no circumstances will Toboggan Family Park be responsible for any consequential loss or damage, including any loss of prots.
  6. Everyone enters the facility at their own risk, and in doing indemnies and holds harmless Toboggan Family Park, its directors, agents or servants against all claims of whatsoever nature which may be made against Toboggan Family Park arising, directly or indirectly, out of the use of the facility and/or equipment by them.
  7. Facility entrants shall pay Toboggan Family Park on demand for any damage caused to the facility and/or related equipment as a result of negligence, misconduct or other means.
  8. Facility entrants shall adhere to all instructions issued by any ofcials or personnel and follow any further instructions displayed on any notice board.
  9. Toboggan Family Park reserves the right to remove from the facility anyone not complying with any of the abovementioned terms and conditions.
  10. Day-passes issued and facility memberships are not transferable.
  11. Any valuables stored at the facility are stored at the owner’s risk.
  12. If any provision of this agreement shall be unlawful, void or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from that agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This is the entire agreement between the parties relating to the matters contained herein and shall not be modied except in writing, signed by Toboggan Family Park.


Bepalings en Voorwaardes

Enige persoon wat die Toboggan Gesins Park kompleks (die fasiliteit) betree en die Toboggantoerusting gebruik doen dit op eie risiko en kom ooreen om streng gehoor te gee aan die voorwaardes hieronder gelys. Enige minderjarige wat die fasiliteit betree sal geag word dit te betree met die toestemming van sy of haar ouers of voogde.

  1. Deelnemers kom ooreen om gehoor te gee aan sekere rit beperkings, insluitend, maar nie beperk tot die volgende:
    1.1Alle kinders onder die ouderdom van 8 jaar moet onder konstante toesig van hul ouers of ‘n ander verantwoordelike volwassene wees.
    1.2Kinders onder die ouderdom van 8 jaar moet sit in die voorste sitplek en te alle tye vergesel word deur ‘n verantwoordelike volwassene in ‘n tweesitplek slee.
    1.3 Om ‘n minimum volgafstand van 25 meter te behou.
    1.4 Om ‘n geskikte spoed te behou ten einde nie hulself of ander deelnemers in gevaar te stel nie.
    1.5 Om nie die slee tot stilstand te bring op die baan nie.
    1.6 Om gepas geklee te wees in die omstandighede en nie onder die invloed van enige bedwelmende middel te wees nie.
    1.7 Swanger vroue, enigeen wat lei aan siese gestremdhede of ‘n mediese toestand, insluitend hart-, nek- of rugprobleme word verbied om deel te neem.
  2. Toboggan Gesins Park sal geregtig daarop wees om enigeen wat nie gehoor gee aan voormelde voorwaardes te verwyder vanaf die fasiliteit sonder om verplig te wees om enige terugbetaling van welke aard ookal te maak.
  3. Deelnemers onderneem om hulself op ‘n wyse te gedra wat nie ander deelnemers of toeskouers in gevaar stel, laat aanstoot neem of ongerief laat ervaar nie. Enige deelnemer wat in die agterkant van ‘n ander deelnemer se slee bots sal geag word verantwoordelik te wees vir enige skade en/of verlies veroorsaak.
  4. Toboggan Gesins Park mag binne hul diskresie, in geval van koue en/of nat weer die eleksie uitoefen om te gelas dat die fasiliteit en toerusting op ‘n wyse deur hul gepas geag gebruik moet word of om die fasiliteit te sluit sonder om verantwoordelik te wees om enige gelde terug te betaal.
  5. Toboggan Gesins Park en sy direkteure, agente of werknemers sal nie verantwoordelik wees vir enige persoonlike beserings of die dood van enige persoon of sy/haar afhanklikes of skade aan eiendom van welke aard ookal, veroorsaak of welke wyse ookal vanwee ‘n nalate deur Toboggan Gesins Park, sy direkteure, agente of werknemers insluitend enige naltigheid deur enige ander gebruiker van die fasiliteit en toerusting. Toboggan Gesins Park sal onder geen omstandighede verantwoordelik wees vir enige gevolgskade of verlies, insluitende enige verlies in winste.
  6. Die fasiliteit word op eie risiko binnegegaan, en derhalwe stel enigeen wat die fasiliteit binnegaan Toboggan Gesins Park, sy direkteure, agente of werknemers skadeloos teen enige eise van welke aard ookal teen Toboggan Gesins Park wat mag ontstaan vanwee die direkte of indirekte gebruik van die fasiliteit of toerusting deur hul.
  7. Enigeen wat skade aan die fasiliteit en/of toerusting aanrig vanwee nalatigheid, wangedrag of andersins sal Toboggan Gesins Park op aanvraag vergoed daarvoor.
  8. Enigeen wat die fasiliteit binnegaan sal gehoor gee aan die instruksies uitgereik deur beamptes of personeel van die fasiliteit asook enige verdere instruksies vertoon op enige kennisgewing bord.
  9. Toboggan Gesins Park behou die reg voor om enigeen wat voormelde voorwaardes verontagsaam te verwyder vanaf die fasiliteit.
  10. Nie lidmaatskap tot die fasiliteit of ‘n dagpas is oordraagbaar nie.
  11. Enige waardevolle items wat by die fasiliteit gestoor word word gestoor op die eienaar se eie risiko.
  12. Indien enige bepaling van hierdie ooreenkoms onregmatig, nietig of vir enige rede onafdwingbaar is, dan sal die bepaling geag word skeibaar te wees van die ooreenkoms en sal dit nie die geldigheid en afdwingbaarheid van die oorblywende bepalings beinvloed nie. Hierdie is die volle ooreenkoms tussen die partye rakende die aangeleenthede hierin mee gehandel en geen wysiging sal van krag wees tensy vervat in skrif en geteken deur Toboggan Gesins Park.



"My experience at cool runnings has been everything except a dissapointment. Great quality service and great food. Think my group enjoyed the bar more than the rides, nevertheless the rides are epic." Paul Polli S

"What a great place, well run and excellently maintained. We had and awesome time and everyone in our group had a ball young and old. Thanks " Nicolette P

Good rides

"The rides are good, where the whole family can participate. but it would be better to have more kind of rides as it becomes a bit repetitive after 2 rides. " A Rajan P

"Great , clean facilities, lots of shade in the warm days, good coffee and good quality foods. Really great place to chill on hot holidays. Free wi-fi and ablutions super clean PLUS waterwise! " K H